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In April 1936, the bodies of five English schoolboys were found half-buried in the snow in the German Black Forest. The truth about what happened would remain buried for 80 years. But the truth has a funny way of getting out eventually.

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About 1 million Earths could fit inside the sun.
From 93 million miles away, it can be easy to forget just how big the sun is. With a diameter of 864,938 miles and a circumference of about 2,715,396 miles, the brilliant ball of hydrogen and helium at the center of our solar system is large enough to fit about 1 million Earths inside of it. It’s also some 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface and, thanks to nuclear reactions, 27 million degrees in its core, producing the same amount of energy every second as 100 billion tons of dynamite.

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Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

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Humans are the only animals with true chins.
Humans have a few biological advantages compared to other species. The most obvious is our big brains, which have empowered us to become the dominant species on Earth. But another feature that is often overlooked is our chins — yes, we’re the only animals on Earth with true chins. You might be thinking, “Wait a minute, I give my cat chin scratches all the time,” or “Surely chimpanzees, our closest animal cousin, sport some kind of chimp chin,” and the answer is nope and nope (respectively). When you’re scratching the “chin” of your feline companion, what you’re really doing is scratching the mandible, i.e., the lower part of the jaw — not the chin, which is the bony part that juts out at the bottom of your face. Elephants and manatees also have chin-like protrusions in their lower jaws, but they don’t quite qualify as true chins.

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The Marlboro Man Never Smoked.
We all remember the Marlboro Man: an able-bodied outdoorsman, usually a cowboy, who enjoyed a hard-earned puff from his cigarette amid a day of honest labor, his steely gaze beckoning us to "come to where the flavor is" in the land of Marlboro Country.


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